Bestselling Non-Fiction Elite Ghostwriting & Editing Services

Ways I help Non-Fiction Authors

Non-Fiction Elite Ghostwriting

Starting at $50,000

You have an incredible idea for your book, BUT…

You don’t know how to transform it into a bestseller. 

You either don’t know how to write it, OR you don’t have the time.

That’s where I come in. I will guide you through the book creation process, from book idea to manuscript completion. I will synthesize your spoken word and transform it into a bestselling book—it’s my specialty.

Writing a book is personal; it’s intimate and vulnerable. I will be your confidant as we transform your idea into your bestselling book.

  • At the beginning of the process, it’s critical to lay the correct foundation.

    During this phase of the ghostwriting process, I will work with you to fully develop your book idea.

    We will cover the book’s positioning, table of contents, chapter roadmaps, and writing plan.

  • Content interviews are the main focus of the second phase of the ghostwriting process.

    Here, I reference your book’s positioning, table of contents, and chapter roadmaps to interview your and gather content for your book.

  • The last phase of the ghostwriting phase is writing and editing and the manuscript.

    During this phase, I reference our content interviews to write the first version of the manuscript.

    Once delivered, I partner with you to revise and edit your manuscripts, so you’re ready for the next phase of the publication process: production.

Developmental Editing

Starting at $15,000

Have you written your book and are struggling with what to do next?

You need a developmental edit, an in-depth review to discuss the book’s “big picture” ideas. A developmental edit analyzes your book’s overall content, flow, and structure.

Is the content in your book clear, concise, and well thought-out? 

Do the sentences, paragraphs, and chapters of your book easily flow? 

Does your book have a clear beginning, middle, and end?

A developmental edit reviews your book holistically and ensures it’s ready for the next step in the publishing process: production.

  • Before I start to review your book, I need to understand it.

    During this phase of the developmental editing process, I’ll meet with you (via phone or conference call) to review your book’s main idea and audience.

  • The meat and potatoes of this offering, during this phase of the developmental edit, I will review your manuscript, chapter by chapter, paragraph by paragraph, and line by line.

    I will edit for big-ticket items, like structure, flow, and readability. I will deliver an edited manuscript with comments and questions for you to review and address.

  • After you’ve gone through my edits, comments, and questions, I will review all changes you make to the manuscript.

    We’ll then meet via phone or conference call to discuss any final questions I have. From there, I will deliver a final manuscript, ready for the next phase of the publishing process.

Book Coaching

Many of you reading this want to write your book yourself, BUT…

You struggle with decision-making, accountability, and organization. You also have a hard time staying motivated.

Maybe you need to hash out a chapter idea…

Maybe you need regular check-ins to meet writing and revisions deadlines…

Or, maybe you need help sorting your content…

Does any of this ring true? If it does, individual book coaching with me is likely the best fit! 

You can sign up for weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly book coaching sessions—whatever works best for you and your book’s publishing schedule.

Unlock Bestseller Potential: Navigate to Your Book's North Star!

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.